Studio Policies
Jillian's School of Dance is an 11 month school year from August through June (Summer Camps and Classes are optional). Students may register for lessons any time prior to January 1st. All dance families must complete their Registration Online with agreeing to our Dance Studio Policies. The dance studio is not liable for any injury of any guest or student while inside dance studio rooms or waiting areas. Please contact our staff before registering if you do not understand any of the following.
The dance studio software is set up to bill monthly and not hourly. Dance Tuition remains the same regardless if there is an Average (4 week), Long (5 week) or Shorter (3 week) month during holidays. Some students may have a couple additional dance days throughout the dance year, and June you will have less. Tuition remains the same.
Payments / Late and Returned Fees
Contact Information
Entering the Studio and Waiting for Your Child
Family Accounts
Snow or Bad Weather
The Studio rarely closes for snow days, regardless if area schools are closed. Many times roads have been cleared and safe by the start of afternoon and evening dance classes. A decision to close the studio is made by 2pm week days and 7am weekends. The studio will send out emails to those classes and leave a recorded message on the studio phone. We cannot personally call everybody, so it is your responsibility to call (719) 499-3225 or check your emails.
Monthly Information and Newsletters
We do our best to email all families important information regarding upcoming events and Monthly Newsletters. However, always check the studio website on a regular basis for any new postings. –
Class Rules (Dancing will not be allowed if any of the following rules are not followed)
Year-End Dance Recital and Parent Participation
The dance studio software is set up to bill monthly and not hourly. Dance Tuition remains the same regardless if there is an Average (4 week), Long (5 week) or Shorter (3 week) month during holidays. Some students may have a couple additional dance days throughout the dance year, and June you will have less. Tuition remains the same.
Payments / Late and Returned Fees
- Monthly Dance Tuition payments are due by your 1st scheduled dance class of each Month (unless active Auto-Pay Option is selected).
- Account Statements will be emailed prior to the month due and to any account Past Due.
- All dance accounts are required to maintain a valid Credit Card or Checking (ACH) from initial Online Registration throughout active dance participation. Any update or changes must be done through your individual and secure Dance Parent Portal. It is the responsibility of each account holder (not dance studio) to update or make changes to their payment information. No refunds are given for any Late Payments due to non-compliance.
- Auto Payment - payment will be automatically deducted from the payment option on file on the 4th day of each month.
- Electronic Payment - (VISA, MATERCARD, Checking (ACH) - may be process manually through your Parent Portal or at the dance studio.
- Paper Check or Cash) - in person at studio only.
- $20.00 Late Fee is charged to each individual student accounts not paid in full by the 7th day of each month.
- If dance tuition has not been received by the 15th of the month, that individual dance account will be automatically In-Activated by the dance studio software and NO DANCE INSTRUCTION will be permitted to that student until outstanding balance is paid in full.
- $25.00 (Non-Sufficient Funds Fee) will be accessed for any Checking (ACH ) payment Returned for Non-Sufficient Fund by your financial institution.
- It is highly recommended to use a Debit or Visa / Mastercard for payment to know instantly if payment is accepted and to not charged a Non-Sufficient Funds Fee when using (ACH).
- Withdrawing from dance or dance class must be processed by the dance studio and cannot be completed through your Online Parent Portal. Notification of withdrawal requires written or email notification to the dance studio by parent of guardian prior to the beginning of the month you will no longer be taking dance class.
- No Tuition Refund will be given after the 1st day of the month a student is no longer taking dance class and no written notification has been received.
- No Costume Refunds are given after December 15th.
- No Recital Fee Refund given after processed with April Tuition .
- No Refund for Recital Pictures or DVD's once ordered.
Contact Information
- From date of Registration, you must provide and maintain a valid E-mail address along with accurate Cell Phone number. Our dance software will utilize both E-mail and Text to provide our dance families necessary information of important dates, upcoming events, monthly statements, studio closures, etc... If you do not keep your E-mail and Cell Phone information up to date it is your responsibility to obtain copies of all necessary information at the dance studio.
Entering the Studio and Waiting for Your Child
- No Entering the Dance Studio Rooms during classes! This includes students waiting for their next dance class.
- All students and parents may enter and wait for their children before and durings classes in the Studeio Waiting Room with TV monitors. We enjoy and encourage your presence in the Waiting Room during classes.
- If you wish to video tape your child during dance class, please arrange with the dance instructor at least 24 hours prior.
- If you wish to speak with your dance instructor, do so before or after class or email them to schedule a convenient time to meet. (Teacher/Staff Contact Information Sheet)
- All children must be picked up directly after each class. We are not liable for any students waiting outside dance studios before or after class.
- No Smoking, Obscene Gestures, Bullying, or Foul Language will be tolerated in the dance studio or when waiting on the upstairs balcony.
Family Accounts
- 2.5% monthly tuition discount is applied to each dancer in multiple dancer family accounts.
- To Be Considered a Family Account, all members of the Family Account must live at the same address, have the same parent or guardian, and monthly payments made by one parent for all dancers in that family account.
- We do not pro-rate tuition due to Absences, Bad Weather, or National Holidays! It is important for the education and improvement of your child and fellow classmates that all students attend each and every dance class on time.
- If you do not notify the Studio and miss more than two consecutive classes, the studio assumes you are no longer coming to class and may replace your spot with another student and no tuition refund shall be given.
- Beginning MARCH each year is a very intensive time of the year for students and teachers as they prepare, practice, and fine tune their recital dances. When any student misses class during this time it inhibits the ability of that student and fellow classmates to learn their class recital routines adequately. Therefore, we strictly enforce the following rule: Any student missing more than two classes beginning March 1st thru recital will not be allowed to participate in the year-end recital and no refund of costumes or recital fee will be given.
Snow or Bad Weather
The Studio rarely closes for snow days, regardless if area schools are closed. Many times roads have been cleared and safe by the start of afternoon and evening dance classes. A decision to close the studio is made by 2pm week days and 7am weekends. The studio will send out emails to those classes and leave a recorded message on the studio phone. We cannot personally call everybody, so it is your responsibility to call (719) 499-3225 or check your emails.
Monthly Information and Newsletters
We do our best to email all families important information regarding upcoming events and Monthly Newsletters. However, always check the studio website on a regular basis for any new postings. –
Class Rules (Dancing will not be allowed if any of the following rules are not followed)
- No soft drinks, food, or gum chewing inside the Studio (except during holiday dance parties). There is a filtered water faucet in the kitchen at the dance studio.
- Appropriate dance attire must be worn during dance classes (See Dress Code). (It is the Students\ and Parents responsibility to make certain they have all appropriate shoes and clothes for their dance classes each week).
- Those not coming to class dress appropriately will be given One Verbal warnings. After the 2nd warning, dance teachers are instructed not to allow that student participation in their dance class until proper attire is obtained.
- No Persons except designated dance instructors and students are allowed in the studio during classes.
- Parents / Guests / Students must wait in the parents viewing room, outside, or must pick up their children promptly after each designated class time.
- No smoking in any studio rooms or on upstairs balcony.
- No negative or obscene language will be tolerated in any studio rooms or on upstairs balcony.
- Student’s Name should be placed on all dance wear brought into the studio.
Year-End Dance Recital and Parent Participation
- Prior to receiving any year-end dance recital performance tickets, at least one parent/guardian from each dance family is required to volunteer to help at one of two (Friday or Saturday) dance performances and Thursday dress rehearsal.